Today’s power industry is already subject to strict official regulations. These rules will only become more stringent in the future. As a result, environmentally friendly, cost-effective solutions that ensure plant and operational safety are in high demand.
This is precisely what Kurita delivers:
Our patented technologies provide a scale-free operation of your cooling systems, prevent Legionella growth, effectively treat your boiler water without the use of health endangering substances, improve the performance of your waste water plants and significantly increase the efficiency of your reverse osmosis systems.
In short:
Your water treatment is our specialty.
Kurita’s comprehensive Cetamine® Technology provides excellent protection against corrosion in boiler systems. Composed of film-forming substances, Cetamine creates a hydrophobic protective film acting as a barrier between water and metal, effectively inhibiting corrosion and scaling.
Prevent fouling and corrosion in water systems with Kurita Europe’s Corrsave technology, enhancing efficiency and sustainability.
Dilurit® BC S-System
Dilurit® BC S-SystemIntelligent biocide technology to protect your water systems against biological contamination Innovative Solutions for a Better World Learn more At Kurita, we create
Free Fouling Removal Effect (FReE)
Kurita has developed the Fouling Removal Efficiency application, where a total cleaning is performed during operation, without being corrosive and with no generation of waste. We are
HydroBio® Advance
Monitor and control biofilm in water systems with Kurita Europe’s HydroBio Advance, enhancing efficiency and reducing maintenance costs.
KuriFastHigh-accuracy Legionella quick test A cutting-edge approach to Legionella testing Legionnaires’ disease is predominantly caused by Legionella pneumophila, accounting for approximately 97% of reported cases.
KuriflockTM – Heavy Metal Precipitation
Kurita has developed a comprehensive technology for heavy metal elimination from complex effluents by precipitation. With our Kuriflock™ products, we can support you to protect the
Kurita Dropwise Technology
Kurita Dropwise TechnologyDo you want to increase your operational efficiency and lower your energy consumption and CO2 emissions in industrial facilities?Main BenefitsSavings CalculatorDo you want
Kuriverter® IK
Kuriverter® IK Biofilm control agent for membrane systems. Biofouling is one of the most critical issues Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems are facing, especially in a
Kuriverter® RC
Kurita Europe offers Kuriverter RC technology to rejuvenate RO membranes, restoring performance and extending membrane life.
My Kurita Portal (MKP)
Access My Kurita Portal (MKP) for secure, real-time monitoring and data analysis to enhance productivity and reduce costs in water treatment.
S.sensing® LeG
Discover S.sensing LeG by Kurita Europe for automated, 24/7 Legionella monitoring, ensuring rapid detection and enhanced safety.
S.sensingTM MX
Discover S.sensing MX by Kurita Europe for modular cooling water monitoring, optimizing treatment with real-time data and control.