Senior Product Manager
Steam which is generated by heating water in boiler systems is one of the most important sources in almost all industries and market sectors. A variety of steam generator types, diameters and pressure ranges are operated, depending on the plant specific requirements for steam quantity and pressure.
The right treatment concept to protect boilers against scaling and corrosion is essential for save operation of such systems. But nowadays this is by far not enough.
Modern boiler treatment concepts are driven by requirements for economic operation, reduced water & fuel consumption and less carbon dioxide emission.
How does the application of Cetamine lead to reduced water & fuel consumption?
Compared to traditional treatment programs where up to 3 different products are necessary, the application of Kurita’s Cetamine Technology usually requires 1 product only to treat the whole plant. This is a significant simplification for the operators with less costs for dosing equipment, handling and storage of products. At the same time the carbon footprint is reduced by applying less chemicals.
The key component of Cetamie is a unique Film Forming Substances (FFS). The FFS adsorbs to all system surfaces and forms a protective film against corrosion by stopping water and other corrosive agents from contacting the metal surface.
The existing scale is removed from system surfaces during normal operation, and the formation of new sales is prevented so that the heat transfer is increased and the performance of the boiler is improved.
The main advantage and difference to a conventional boiler treatment approach is that Cetamine has only a negligible impact on the conductivity of the boiler water.
The cycle of concentration (COC) can usually be increased, which reduces the blow-down water amount by 50% or more. Less blow-down leads to less fresh make-up water that needs to be prepared and added to the system. This already provides huge savings of water and the related costs for water preparation.
But even higher savings are achieved due to savings in energy related to less water that needs to be heated. For example, a boiler system operating at 20 bars and generating 100 t/h of steam can save more than 250 k€ per year by changing to Cetamine and reducing the blow-down rate by 50%. At the same time the carbon dioxide emission will be reduced by ca. 700 tons per year and 8500 m3 of water are saved yearly.
How to verify the obtained savings in water and energy?
Kurita has developed the S.sensing Value+ concept, a smart and innovative way to monitor and evaluate the consumption of water and energy through make-up water and blow-down reduction, boiler efficiency and emissions. The generated data then will be available online in My Kurita Portal illustrating the generated savings with Cetamine Technology.
Next generation boiler water treatment in food & beverage industry
The Cetamine Technology portfolio offers solutions for the treatment of boilers in all industries. The newest development is the patent pending Cetamine FB product line for safe application in the food & beverage industry where the generated steam has either direct or indirect contact to the food production process.
More than 5,000 boilers worldwide are treated with Cetamine due to its excellent protection against corrosion and the water & energy savings it generates continuously.