
Original and competent Kuristuck Technology to support sustainability at paint booth treatment.

In paint booth systems, different body and spare parts from automotive, appliance, electronics, plastics and other industries are coated by using one or multiple layers of paints. The main goal of the paint booth treatment is to remove as much overspray paint as possible for successful operations. Our Kuristuck technology meets this requirement by removing the overspray as dry sludge and it goes one step further than classic treatments performance by improving overall system efficiency. Main functions of the treatment products are reducing the stickiness of overspray paint and improving paint separation from water. As a result, increase in water recycle rate in addition to less generation and easy treatment of sludge is achieved.

The Kuristuck technology optimises your paint booth operation by:

  • Complete paint detackification: improved total system efficiency
  • Reduction of blowdown water: saving of water, drainage load and CO2 reduction
  • Cost effective disposal of the dry sludge leading to waste and CO2 reduction
  • Prevention of foaming, odour and corrosion
  • Environmental benefits due to reduced environmental impact

Innovative technology for detackification and coagulation for solvent and water-based paints:

  • Solvent-borne paints can be treated with Kuristuck B-200 and pH adjustment or a combination of Kuristuck B-800 and Kuristuck B-450.
  • Water-borne paints can be treated with Kuristuck B-210 and pH adjustment or a combination of Kuristuck B-800 and Kuristuck B-450/B-456.
  • Kuristuck B-800 is a patent-pending technology. It keeps durability of foam prevention without any pH adjustment and ensures non-sticky sludge that is not adhering to the system.
  • Oil-free Kuriflock flocculant polymers enable improvement of flocculation process and proper sludge transfer to the paint spray booth sludge recovery system.
  • Competent defoamer product range supports the treatment products for smooth paint booths operation.

Comprehensive product range and tailored treatment programs for paints for the purpose of:

  • Improved detackification 
  • Increased sludge recovery rate
  • Reduced cleaning frequency
  • Reduced water discharge
  • Smooth and safe plant operation
  • Total Cost of Ownership Reduction


Each paint booths are unique because of the number of influencing factors and specific chemical treatment and monitoring solutions adapted to your special needs should be provided. We always investigate overall your systems taking into account all factors and offer best fitting treatment solutions.

We are of service to you