We are powered by our people
We are a global company, with global presence, very specialized in giving tailored solutions to our customers.
At Kurita you will find more than a job,  you will grow in a multicultural and global team and contribute to a more sustainable future.

You can be a game-changer!

Join us!

Meet our people

Argyro Spinthaki - R&D Specialist

As Kurita, we are navigated by our common mindset and mutual vision to preserving earth’s most invaluable asset: water.

Michael Urschey - R&D Manager

Working at Kurita constantly provides new challenges as we adapt to an ever-changing world in our strive for a sustainable future.

Tim Rudolph - LTM Specialist

The flexibility, the friendliness, the collegiality and the good working hours, paired with an innovative spirit to always improve something and protect the environment. This is the Kurita philosophy

Tomonari Kato - R&D Manager

The best part of my job is being able to create new products and solutions that help to solve water-related problems that our customers face and contribute to a sustainable society.

Meet our CEO, Jordi Verdés

Building a more diverse & inclusive workforce

Start your career journey at Kurita!​

Join Kurita's Student Program to reach your full potential, while learning invaluable skills from our mentors in the KETC, our state of art R&D center in Viersen, Germany.

Learn more about us

Your savings with Cetamine®

Here you can easily calculate the savings you can achieve by applying our Cetamine technology into your system.

Your savings with S.sensing® CS

Here you can easily calculate the savings you can achieve by applying our S.sensing® CS techonolgy into your system.

Your savings with Kurita's Dropwise Technology

Here you can easily calculate the savings you can achieve in Condensers by applying our Dropwise techonolgy into your system.

Kuriverter® Series Savings Calculator

Easily calculate the potential savings you can achieve by applying Kuriverter® technology into your RO system.