Advanced portfolio for waste water treatment processes – Kuriflock
Every customer has different needs. With Kurita´s broad range of coagulation and flocculation products, we meet the needs of various applications in different manufacturing processes in the field of construction, industry, water and paper. By clarifying make-up water and / or purifying waste water, we work together with our customers to create the best results.
Inorganic coagulants
- Wide range of aluminum based products in different concentrations and basicities.
- Aluminum salts from own production.
Natural, organic and mixed coagulants:
- Synergistic formulations for better clarification, reduced chemical consumption and sludge generation.
- Enhances clarification when oils, complexion agents and surfactants are present.
- Customised solutions for waste water from food industry, automotive, steel mills and general industry.
Organic emulsion breakers:
- Natural, organic emulsion splitters, effective at a wide pH range, without pH-control and heating for better valorization of exhausted oil and emulsions.
- Innovative emulsion breakers for a sharp oil water seperation.
- Reduction of sludge production and global purification costs.
Special adsorbing agents:
- For the reduction of soluble COD, BOD, hydro carbons and the removal of coloring agents and heavy metals.
Wide range of flocculants:
- Classical powder and emulsion polymers, innovative water-based flocculants range with respect to the environment.
- New generation of polyacrylamide-free products.
Sludge dewatering agents:
- Powder, emulsion and water based products compatible with the main sludge dewatering systems, for dryness improvement and volume reduction of sludge.
Specialties for heavy metal and anion removal:
- Heavy metal and anion scavengers applicable for a wide range of pH to remove e.g. Zn, Cr, Pb, Hg, Ni, fluorides, sulfates, phosphate.
Case Studies
Kuriflock 6003 - The definitive solution for cyanide elimination
A petrochemical plant has achieved a significant reduction in its cyanide discharge.